What home care is available with CareMatch?
Whether it be someone offering you companionship, full time Live-in Care, specialist support for a complex need, or an extra pair of hands around the house, CareMatch is here to help. You can filter your search and add your preferences and we will match you with ideal Private Carer Members. You can then choose your team to ensure that you receive exactly what you need, so that you can live your best day every day.
Click on the "Learn More" buttons below to find out more about our different Private Home Care services

Visiting Home Care
If you require domiciliary care but not on a full-time basis, then visiting home care could be for you, to enable you to stay living in your own home for as long as possible.

Live-in Home Care
Our Live-in Home Care service enables you to live in your own home, being cared for 24 hours a day. A Live-in carer will be on hand to provide companionship care and constant support.

Overnight Home Care
If you require additional support at night, CareMatch can assist with our Overnight Care service. We offer two types of Overnight Care - Waking Nights and Sleeping Nights.

Home Help
With our Home Help service, your carer will visit you in your own home for as long and as frequently as you like, offering practical support around the home.

Respite Home Care
Our carers give your loved ones the opportunity to take a well deserved break, safe in the knowledge that you will still be receiving the same level of care that you are used to.

Specialist Home Care
We will match you with your ideal care team who have the experience and training required to provide care for your ongoing and specialist care needs.

Palliative Care
Our Palliative Care service enables you to live in your own home, being cared for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week if needed.