Self Funding & State Funding
When it comes to paying for your care, this can seem like a daunting process - which is why we have explained your options as easily as possibly.
Self Funding
There are two ways that you can arrange to self fund your care:
- You can ask the council to arrange and pay your care - you will then be billed by the council. However, it’s important to note that not councils offer this service and they may charge a fee.
- You can arrange to pay for the care yourself.
If you choose to self fund your care, you may still be able to get some help from your local council - This help is FREE and benefits are not means tested:
- Small bits of equipment or home adaptations that cost less than £1,000 each.
- NHS care, NHS continuing healthcare, NHS-funded nursing care and care after you have been discharged from hospital.
- Attendance Allowance benefits.
- Personal Independence Payment (this has replaced the Disability Living Allowance)
If you intend to privately fund your visiting care or live-in care, without any State support, please do contact us to find out more.
Local Authority (State Funding)
Should you need any guidance, we can work with you to get you assessed by Social Services. Your assessment will take into account if you have savings worth more than £23,250. If you do then your care will not be funded by the council. To check if the council will pay for your care, they will also do a financial assessment, taking into account your
- Income
- Savings
However, It doesn’t take into account your:
- Property value (as long as you are choosing visiting or live-in care, and not a care home)
- Some money from disability benefits or pensions
- Some types of capital
If you qualify for funding there are several ways your funding can be allocated. If social services agree to fund your package they can pay us directly for the service and we invoice them within their current funding terms. Alternatively, you may be able to request a Personal Budget. In this case you receive the monies as either an Individual Budget or Direct Payment and you are free to choose your provider and use the money you receive to pay for your care. Simply put, this means that you have the ability to say how your Personal Budget is paid and to whom, and you get the choice of care provider. We understand that you may find the process of funding care a daunting one but rest assured that we can help point you in the right direction. Contact us for further information.

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